Ancient Cambodia: Angkor Wat and the Egyptian Connection

“Thus is it that all the religious monuments of old, in whatever land or under whatever climate, are the expression of the same identical thoughts, the key to which is in the esoteric doctrine. It would be vain, without studying the latter, to seek to unriddle the mysteries enshrouded for centuries in the temples and ruins of Egypt and Assyria, or those of Central America, British Columbia, and the Nagkon-Wat of Cambodia. If each of these was built by a different nation; and neither nation had had intercourse with the others for ages, it is also certain that all were planned and built under the direct supervision of the priests. And the clergy of every nation, though practicing rites and ceremonies which may have differed externally, had evidently been initiated into the same traditional mysteries which were taught all over the world...
What archæologist will dare assert that the same hand which planned the Pyramids of Egypt, Karnak, and the thousand ruins now crumbling to oblivion on the sandy banks of the Nile, did not erect the monumental Nagkon-Wat [Angkor-Wat] of Cambodia?” [11]
What archæologist will dare assert that the same hand which planned the Pyramids of Egypt, Karnak, and the thousand ruins now crumbling to oblivion on the sandy banks of the Nile, did not erect the monumental Nagkon-Wat [Angkor-Wat] of Cambodia?” [11]
Capricorn also rules rocks and stone as it represents the densest concretion of matter. It is interesting to note that the First Ray energy of Will-Power associated with Capricorn is the spiritual Will that finds itself anchoring in dense matter. Indeed, the stone temples are places of invocation through ritual and ceremony (Seventh Ray), acting as conductors of highly spiritualised electrical forces. God is invited down to Earth and the temple spires reach toward the heavens.
Anyone who has visited these holy places cannot help but marvel at their ingenuity, precision and beauty. As in other dating methods, it seems that the history of Cambodia has also been dwarfed into the very recent 9th –14th centuries. Angkor Wat and most other temples in the region are dedicated to Siva or Vishnu; these chronological errors follow the major mistake by Eastern and Western scholars in dating the Hindu civilization only a few thousand years BC! This has partly stemmed from the confounding of the Kali Yuga of the Fifth Rootrace (3,102 BC) with the Kali Yuga cycle of the Fourth Rootrace (about four million years ago); not a difficult mistake for human investigators to make given the enormity of the time scale! Nevertheless, one error begets another; other historical ‘overlays’ such as the spread of Buddhism in the past 2,000 years has compounded the situation, as many Buddhist statues were added to the temples.
“...1,000,000 of years are allowed for our present Root-race (the Fifth) [12] ... The Aryan Hindu is the last offshoot of the first sub-race of the fifth Root-race ...” [13]
‘Last offshoot’ suggests that the Hindus emerged from the seventh branchrace of this first subrace of the Fifth Rootrace (5.1.7). One rootrace or subrace births another and from the first is born the second (Egyptian) subrace of the Fifth Rootrace (5.2), it’s origin in southern India. Its Manu, Menes, travelled to ancient Ethiopia and founded the new civilisation [14] - probably closer to 800,000 years ago than a few thousand!
The famous Egyptian king-lists place Menes in the latter realm of dynasties and hence it is quite plausible that the earlier dynasties are records of the Manus of the subraces and branchraces going a long way back through Atlantis and to perhaps even Lemurian times.
The ancient Ethiopeans were known as the “Builders” a name most appropriate for this second subrace as it is one of the names for the second ray of Love-Wisdom:
“That these two nations, India and Egypt, were akin? That they were the oldest in the group of nations; and that the Eastern Ethiopians — the mighty builders — had come from India as a matured people, bringing their civilization with them, and colonizing the perhaps unoccupied Egyptian territory.” [15]
Simplicius the Greek philosopher (7th century A.D.) says that he had heard of Egyptian astronomical records dating back 630,000 years. [16] The Ancient Egyptians have left their legacy of profoundly beautiful and mysterious architecture. The pyramids, even in this modern technological age cannot be duplicated. HPB says:
“The archaic records show the Initiates of the Second Sub-race of the Aryan family moving from one land to the other for the purpose of supervising the building of menhirs and dolmens, of colossal Zodiacs in stone ...” [17]
Places like Stonehenge and Carnac are referred to here. We must bear in mind also that these Initiates were giants who stature may have exceeded 15 ft in height, certainly assisting the process of building. Yet essentially most building would have been done through utilising the lost science of sound that created a vacuum, allowing an effortless lifting and placement of the enormous stones. ‘Second Sub-race of the Aryan family’ may be a veiled reference that has two possibilities:
1. The second subrace of the Fifth Rootrace (5.2); i.e. temple/pyramid builders up to 800,000 years ago.
2. And/or it may refer to the second branch or family race of the fifth subrace of the Fifth Rootrace – 5.5.2 (about 80,000 years ago). If we take the latter date (as a preliminary exercise in understanding longer cycles than we are used to considering), there is a close correspondence with another remark by HPB:
“Now it is claimed that it is by means of the cycle of 25,868 years (the Sidereal year) that the approximate year of the erection of the Great Pyramid can be ascertained. Assuming that the long narrow downward passage was directed towards the pole star of the pyramid builders, astronomers have shown that ... Alpha Draconis, the then pole-star, was in the required position about 3,350 B.C., as well as in 2,170 B.C. ... But we are also told that “this relative position of Alpha Draconis and Alcyone being an extraordinary one ... it could not occur again for a whole sidereal year”. This demonstrates that, since the Dendera Zodiac shows the passage of three sidereal years, the great Pyramid must have been built 78,000 years ago ...” [18] [26,000 x 3]
Whatever time-scale you wish to take - 80,000 or 800,000 years, we can catch a glimpse of the antiquity that extends well past 4,000 BC. The following table is one construct that gives an approximate chronology of the Fifth Rootrace subraces. Note that in some instances the Manus whose names appear in the Old Testament have been used; the 210,000-year increments are one linear perspective to view the races.
The Hindu subrace is the cradle of all Western races, many of whose languages can be traced back to India’s ancient Sanskrit. Likewise in Cambodia, the origin of the Sanskrit writing and language is obvious, demonstrating that the culture and consciousness that moved westward to Egypt from India, also moved East to Burma, Cambodia across Thailand and Vietnam – even as far as Bali. (China’s origins have far more ancient Atlantean strains and an independent language.)
In fact the ancient Bharata (India) extended almost to Egypt across Asia Minor and probably also the Near East. This is substantiated in ancient myths such as the Hindu Ramayana which links to ancient Thailand (Ramakian = Ramayana) and back again to Egypt in the west:“... Ravan, the giant, who, in the Ramayana, wages such a war with Rama Chandra, is shown as King of Lanka, which was the ancient name for Ceylon; and that Ceylon, in those days, perhaps formed part of the main-land of Southern India, and was peopled by the “Eastern Æthiopians.” Conquered by Rama, the son of Dasarata, the Solar King of ancient Oude, a colony of these emigrated to Northern Africa.” [19]
Returning to Angkor Wat:
“... it seems impossible to escape the conviction that they were built by peoples moved by the same religious ideas, and that had reached an equal level of highest civilization in arts and sciences.
There is not, perhaps, on the face of the whole globe, a more imposing mass of ruins than Nagkon-Wat, the wonder and puzzle of European archæologists who venture into Siam [Thailand and adjacent areas]. And when we say ruins, the expression is hardly correct; for nowhere are there buildings of such tremendous antiquity to be found in a better state of preservation than Nagkon-Wat, and the ruins of Angkorthôm, the great temple ... the ruins of the past Egyptian splendor deserve no higher eulogium than Nagkon-Wat ... “We entered upon an immense causeway, the stairs of which were flanked with six huge griffins, each carved from a single block of stone. The causeway is ... 725 feet in length, and is paved with stones each of which measures four feet in length by two in breadth. On either side of it are artificial lakes fed by springs, and each covering about five acres of ground ... The outer wall of Nagkon-Wat (the city of monasteries) is half a mile square, with gateways ... which are handsomely carved with figures of gods and dragons. The foundations are ten feet in height ... The entire edifice, including the roof, is of stone, but without cement, and so closely fitting are the joints as even now to be scarcely discernible ... The shape of the building is oblong, being 796 feet in length, and 588 in width, while the highest central pagoda rises some 250 odd feet above the ground, and four others, at the angles of the court, are each about 150 feet in height.”
“... it seems impossible to escape the conviction that they were built by peoples moved by the same religious ideas, and that had reached an equal level of highest civilization in arts and sciences.
There is not, perhaps, on the face of the whole globe, a more imposing mass of ruins than Nagkon-Wat, the wonder and puzzle of European archæologists who venture into Siam [Thailand and adjacent areas]. And when we say ruins, the expression is hardly correct; for nowhere are there buildings of such tremendous antiquity to be found in a better state of preservation than Nagkon-Wat, and the ruins of Angkorthôm, the great temple ... the ruins of the past Egyptian splendor deserve no higher eulogium than Nagkon-Wat ... “We entered upon an immense causeway, the stairs of which were flanked with six huge griffins, each carved from a single block of stone. The causeway is ... 725 feet in length, and is paved with stones each of which measures four feet in length by two in breadth. On either side of it are artificial lakes fed by springs, and each covering about five acres of ground ... The outer wall of Nagkon-Wat (the city of monasteries) is half a mile square, with gateways ... which are handsomely carved with figures of gods and dragons. The foundations are ten feet in height ... The entire edifice, including the roof, is of stone, but without cement, and so closely fitting are the joints as even now to be scarcely discernible ... The shape of the building is oblong, being 796 feet in length, and 588 in width, while the highest central pagoda rises some 250 odd feet above the ground, and four others, at the angles of the court, are each about 150 feet in height.”
It has also been pointed out that the proportions of the yuga cycles (4320) have been incorporated into Angkor-Wat’s design as well as other astronomical features which render it a solar temple.
“Passing, we ascend a platform ... and enter the temple itself through a columned portico, the façade of which is beautifully carved in basso-relievo with ancient mythological subjects. From this doorway, on either side, runs a corridor with a double row of columns, cut — base and capital — from single blocks, with a double, oval-shaped roof, covered with carving and consecutive sculptures upon the outer wall. This gallery of sculptures, which forms the exterior of the temple, consists of over half a mile of continuous pictures, cut in basso-relievo upon sandstone slabs six feet in width, and represents subjects taken from Hindu mythology, from the Ramayana — the Sanscrit epic poem of India, with its 25,000 verses describing the exploits of the god Rama, and the son of the King of Oudh. The contests of the King of Ceylon, and Hanouma, the monkey-god, are graphically represented. There is no keystone used in the arch of this corridor. On the walls are sculptured the immense number of 100,000 separate figures. One picture from the Ramayâna . . . occupies 240 feet of the wall ... In the Nagkon-Wat as many as 1,532 solid columns have been counted, and among the entire ruins of Angkor ... the immense number of 6,000, almost all of them hewn from single blocks and artistically carved ...
“But who built Nagkon-Wat? and when was it built? Learned men have attempted to form opinions from studies of its construction, and especially ornamentation,” and have failed. “Native Cambodian historians,” adds Vincent, “reckon 2,400 from the building of the temple ... I asked one of them how long Nagkon-Wat had been built ... ‘None can tell when ... I do not know; it must have either sprung up from the ground or been built by giants, or perhaps by the angels’ ...” [20]
[11] Isis Unveiled II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.561, 239.
[12] The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.650.
[13] Collected Writings XII, H.P. Blavatsky. p.382.
[14] Isis Unveiled I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.589. The Hidden History of Humanity I, Phillip Lindsay.[15] Isis Unveiled I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.515.
[16] The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.650.
[17] The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.750.
[18] The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.432.
[19] Isis Unveiled II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.436.
[20] Isis Unveiled I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.563.
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